We depend upon the regular support of partners in order to reach out to the precious Afghan people through media and discipleship work.
We invite you to please give using your country's link below:
United States
Please ask OM USA to give to "Pamir Ministries" which is Fund 0057.
Giving via OM is easy and you can receive a tax receipt.
Supporting team members: Whilst Pamir raises funds for its projects, each member of our team is expected to raise funds for their own salary. If you wish to designate a donation to a staff member rather than general funds, please be sure to specify their name.
Please ask OM Canada to give to "Pamir Ministries" which is Fund 0057.
Giving via OM is easy and you can receive a tax receipt.
Supporting team members: Whilst Pamir raises funds for its projects, each member of our team is expected to raise funds for their own salary. If you wish to designate a donation to a staff member rather than general funds, please be sure to specify their name.
United Kingdom
Important: You need to manually choose "Pamir Productions" in the fund selection box (Pamir Productions is our former name).
Please ask OM UK to give to "Pamir Ministries" which is Fund 0057.
Giving via OM is easy and Gift Aid is available.
Supporting team members: Whilst Pamir raises funds for its projects, each member of our team is expected to raise funds for their own salary. If you wish to designate a donation to a staff member rather than general funds, please be sure to specify their name.
Important: Please put "Pamir Productions - Fund 0057" in the "Name des Projekts" box.
Please ask OM Germany to give to "Pamir Ministries" which is Fund 0057.
Giving via OM is easy and donations are tax-deductable.
Supporting team members: Whilst Pamir raises funds for its projects, each member of our team is expected to raise funds for their own salary. If you wish to designate a donation to a staff member rather than general funds, please be sure to specify their name.
Please ask OM Netherlands to give to "Pamir Ministries" which is Fund 0057.
Giving via OM is easy and donations are tax-deductable.
Supporting team members: Whilst Pamir raises funds for its projects, each member of our team is expected to raise funds for their own salary. If you wish to designate a donation to a staff member rather than general funds, please be sure to specify their name.
Important: Please choose "Sonstige Projekte" and then type "Pamir Ministries - Fund 0057" in the "Bemerkungen" box.
Please ask OM Switzerland to give to "Pamir Ministries" which is Fund 0057.
Giving via OM is easy and donations are tax-deductable.
Supporting team members: Whilst Pamir raises funds for its projects, each member of our team is expected to raise funds for their own salary. If you wish to designate a donation to a staff member rather than general funds, please be sure to specify their name.
Important: Choose "Ge engångsgåva" for one-off gifts, and please type "Pamir Ministries Fund 0057" in the "Ev. särskilt ändamål" / Meddelande / Önskemål / Comments box.
Please ask OM Sweden to give to "Pamir Ministries" which is Fund 0057.
Giving via OM is easy and donations are tax-deductable.
Supporting team members: Whilst Pamir raises funds for its projects, each member of our team is expected to raise funds for their own salary. If you wish to designate a donation to a staff member rather than general funds, please be sure to specify their name.
Mark your giving "Pamir Ministries Fund 0057" and use Konto: 3000.14.81009 Vipps: 103515
Please ask OM Norway to give to "Pamir Ministries" which is Fund 0057.
Giving via OM is easy and donations are tax-deductable.
Supporting team members: Whilst Pamir raises funds for its projects, each member of our team is expected to raise funds for their own salary. If you wish to designate a donation to a staff member rather than general funds, please be sure to specify their name.
Note: The above link mentions Pamir's TV operations, because that is a focus in Australia, however the link does give to Pamir centrally.
Please ask OM Australia to give to "Pamir Ministries" which is Fund 0057.
Giving via OM is easy and donations are usually tax-deductable.
Supporting team members: Whilst Pamir raises funds for its projects, each member of our team is expected to raise funds for their own salary. If you wish to designate a donation to a staff member rather than general funds, please be sure to specify their name.
Other Country
Operation Mobilisation is a registered charity in many countries. Find your country on the site and when giving please say that your donation is for "Pamir Ministries".
Please choose "Use Where Needed" (or your preference) in the "Use this donation for" pull-down.
Donations are usually tax-deductable, but check your country's rules (you may have to give via OM rather than Paypal).
Supporting team members: Whilst Pamir raises funds for its projects, each member of our team is expected to raise funds for their own salary. If you wish to designate a donation to a staff member rather than general funds, please be sure to specify their name.
Thank you for your partnership. You are making a difference!